The new neighbor

*Knock on the door*

— I get it mom, please stay upstairs and help Hicham and Magali set the buffet! yelled Jumien on his way to the workshop door to welcome his guests.

Behind the door were Mathilde, his mother's oldest friend, her husband Franck and who he imagines is Baptiste, their son, who has quite grown up since he last saw him, that is primary school.

— Hi! Oh thank you so much for coming! Good to see you, it's been so long!

— Right back at you, new neighbor! It's good to see you back here.

— Mom is going to be so thrilled that you came.

— Oh my god, Mathilde, what the hell are you wearing? said Elaine savouring her entrance. I thought you were going to dress up for the occasion, wasn't it what you told me? Is this dress coming right from 1983?

— Mom, I thought I asked you to stay upstairs.

— Always a pleasure to see you too, Elaine! answered Mathilde. And, for you information, Vanity Fair says that the eighties are back, baby.

— This dress must have plenty of stories to tell from back then, that's for sure!

— Is there anywhere I can put this bowl? I made sangria for the party, Mathilde said proudly.

— Oh, such a nice gesture, Mathilde! Were you afraid there wouldn't be enough to drink to your taste? I think the sink is plumbed in, go ahead!

— Don't listen to her, Mathilde. It's really appreciated! Thank you so much.

— Let's just go put this down somewhere. This bowl feels like a baby elephant on my arms.

— Sure, make yourself at home.

— You're apartment is going to be upstairs, your mother told me?!

— It is, yes! Ground floor is going to be my workshop, as you can see, and I'll be living on the first floor.

— I can't wait to see what you did with this place!

— Go ahead then and set the sangria wherever you like! Hicham and Magali are already there, they'll take care of you.

— Thanks, sweetie.

— We even brought carton cups and a ladle so you don't have to worry about anything, added Franck, opening his lips for the first time.

All three of them were engulfing themselves in the staircase when Elaine caught Baptiste's arm and held him downstairs.

— So, Baptiste, you're not carrying anything, let me see you for a bit! Look at you! You're a big man now!

— Oh, Jesus! Mom, stop!

— What? No, it's true! Don't you think he's gorgeous? My son is into men, Baptiste. And Jumien, you know Baptiste is newly single. I know it from your mom, there's no need to be ashamed about it. Look at him flush! But he was with a girl... sorry, honey! Not that it means he can't be open-minded about exploring new stuff, mind you.

— Mom, stop it, for God's sake!

— Where are your parents gone by the way! I should probably go and throw away this Sangria your mom made before anyone gets sick.

— Mom, don't do it, please!

She disappeared in the stairwell, not without winking heavily at Jumien.

— Sorry for that, Baptiste. My mom has been acting a little crazy since my dad died last year... She really appreciates your mom, you know. They are best friends actually.

— Are they? Anyway, I think I'm gonna fetch a drink before the sangria is... Who knows what will happen tonight!

— Sure, help yourself to anything, we have prepared other things as well. It's on the first floor, where I'll be living and... honestly, hiding from my mother most of the time, I guess.

*Knock on the door*

Baptiste simply smiled and took the opportunity to go up the stairs.


— Dear Lord, why didn't you two arrive 5 minutes earlier! My mother is a disaster today! She was just embarrassing herself, me and Baptiste.

— Typical Elaine, said Maxim while Red just laughed.

— I don't know her that well, added Red, but it can't be that bad!

— Oh, it can! answered Maxim. Elaine is unfiltered! Whatever crosses her brain, comes out of her mouth! It's super funny! And a bit hurtful, to be honest. She once told me I had to take care of these teeth of mine if I didn't want to end up like aunt Penelope, that is eating soup for the rest of my life, starting at age 35! Which is now!

It was Jumien's turn to laugh.

— Your teeth are fine, babe! You floss every night!

— Thanks to Elaine!

— You two are the cutest! Can we stop talking about your decaying teeth now and go grab something strong upstairs? I need to forget this conversation ever happened!

— Now you're talking! said Maxim. But who the hell is Baptiste anyway? Do I know him? Is he cute?

— He's Mathilde and Franck, my neighbors, son. He happens to be here for the weekend so I offered that he came along. We went to school together when we were kids, at this exact place. Isn't it funny?! We weren't that close as children so we lost tracks... Until today where my mother managed to make it the most uncomfortable reunion ever. I did not even know he lived in Lyon until she told me yesterday. And to answer your questions completely, he is cute indeed! But straight, calm down immediately, Casanova!

— He lives in Lyon? Red asked. Maybe I know him.

— Well, I never saw him there and remember, I used to live there too for the last ten years... until last month!

— Yes, but I happen to know a lot of people...

— I'm sure you do, honey! said Maxim sarcastically.

— Not this kind of people, babe!

*Knock on the door*

— You two go upstairs and fix me the largest drink you can while I go see who's at the door.


— I saw cars outside so I guessed you might be home. I thought I'd just drop by and give this to you as a welcome gift.

Regina handed Jumien the bottle of whisky she seemed to be cuddling.

— Thank you so much, Regina, I appreciate that!

— Oh don't worry, it goes in the town's expenses. Mayor privilege, you know! Just kidding, don't go spreading that rumor or I'll never get re-elected!

— 10 years old Port Charlotte. You sure bought my silence here, lady! And you know today is my house-warming party to which you were invited anyway! Everyone is already upstairs. Why don't we join them for a drink if you have time.

— You know I've always been partial to a drink with nice company!

— I think I heard that somewhere, yes! Jumien said with a smirk.

— You mean from someone, I assume. How is your mother, by the way? How is she coping? Because, you know, she got me worried for the last months... since your father's death she seems to be a little off the wall.

— You don't say! Frankly, I don't know. She seems fine, physically at least, but she's just awkward and rude to everyone. I can't figure out why, yet.

— Maybe she just needs more time, sweetie. And having you around will help, I'm sure. Anyway, enough with sad stories. Today is your big day, I gather.

— You're right and as you can see, the workshop is almost ready. I'm so excited to start working here!

— Oh yes, the workshop! What is it again you're planning to do in here? Your mom was not a big help when I asked her what your activity was going to be...

— I can pretend to be surprised, if you wish! Or I can just answer for myself and hope mom did not say: run a gay club! I'll be tattooing actually. And making plates... if no one turns up for a tattoo!

— Oh! You'll have to show me your work! I've always wanted a tattoo but never been brave enough to decide myself!

— It's never too late, you know! And I can already picture this huge scene with decapitated samouraïs on your chest! We need to book you in asap! You'll make quite an impression at the next town council, let me tell you.

She chuckled.

— Well, maybe just a plate then... you know, something you can hide in a cupboard! No, but honestly, it's really good to see you back. And I'm sure business will flow! You have talent, you were already so creative as a kid!

— That's very kind of you to say! And anyway, I guess mom is right... if I ever go off business, with all of Maxim's suitors, I'll still be able to turn this place into a lupanar!

— Let me tell you then that I sure hope we won't see any underage kids in this school anymore! Like never ever!

Laughing, we made our way up the stairs.